Hand Tools & Accessories - Your Opinions Needed!

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New Member
Hi all

Trying to start up a promotion on hand tools and accessories as its only a little bit of our market, and we've got quite a bit in stock. So I'd like some input from all you hand plasterers out there. We wanna do like a set of hand tools for a set price, comprising general essentials. Can you lot give me some ideas about what tools you think would be good for an offer like this? We've got most things from joint knives, broad knives, gloves, mud pans, brushes, sanding stuff, trowels etc. All suggestions appreciated!

put a kit together and knock 10% off the price ............a plastering kit can be as basic as skimming only gear or backing coats inc rendering tools etc ........if it's cheap it'll sell we all need tools
make sure all the tools are top quality alot of mail order firms do cheap m/town copies and usually end up sold on ebay at half price cause it's all crap
a full breakdown can be endless some lads get away with a hawk trowel brush a couple of buckets and a four foot straight edge ........and sponge of the bloke there working with! ;D
the people youre aiming at would be the newbies it's rare a plasterer would buy a full package of kit unless he's just had his van nicked and then a newbie will only need a hawk trowel and brush as the lad there working with would supply the rest ........personally as alot of lads are going into domestic work i would enter the cordless mixer niche and vastly undercut youre rivals then when youre reputations building up you can increase the price ;)
I think you would be onto a loser there mate, just try heavy discounting on single items.
as above discount your single items unles u can get a deal going with colleges then u might be onto something package wise
Hawk, trowel, polyeurathane float, snips, brush, stanley knife, bucket trowel, pointing trowel, small tool and lath hammer. The only things ever in my tool bag.
spunkybum said:
put a kit together and knock 10% off the price ............a plastering kit can be as basic as skimming only gear or backing coats inc rendering tools etc ........if it's cheap it'll sell we all need tools
make sure all the tools are top quality alot of mail order firms do cheap m/town copies and usually end up sold on ebay at half price cause it's all crap
a full breakdown can be endless some lads get away with a hawk trowel brush a couple of buckets and a four foot straight edge ........and sponge of the bloke there working with! ;D
the people youre aiming at would be the newbies it's rare a plasterer would buy a full package of kit unless he's just had his van nicked and then a newbie will only need a hawk trowel and brush as the lad there working with would supply the rest ........personally as alot of lads are going into domestic work i would enter the cordless mixer niche and vastly undercut youre rivals then when youre reputations building up you can increase the price ;)

tell you wot sunkybum you should go into sales youd make a mint
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