Hardwall browning?

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I've got to chop out some blown plaster on an insurance job next week. There's some split bags of browning at my b&q going for £2 I've never used the stuff is it the same as hardwall?
Browning alright for patches ? U say it goes off quicker, does it go off quicker again with dirty water ? Browning it easier to scrape back ....
yes its ok for patches, prep your surface as if you was using hardwall (damp down walls and get rid of surface dust) ,browning, bonding and s+c was all anyone used at one time, sets really fast with cement or mucky water or warm water, its temperamental is browning and you struggle to put any decent area on before using a straight edge it dry's up quickly. Its no good for low suction backgrounds or on pva , but it'll do for patching ,wet the existing plaster your patching into or it will dry and crack away from existing work not the best for patching but will be worth it for £2.00 a bag
It's a couple patches 1 or 2 m2 so it will do the job. I'm not sure why a b&q needs to stock browning bonding and hardwall most merchants don't stock all three
Our b &q doesn't supply any of the above,just multi,tape n joint stuffs and a 7.5kg bag of bg base coat plaster,whitch is very similar to bonding,it may even be bonding just a small bag more expensive.
I didn't think anyone loved hardwall. Skimming the same day is the only perk surely. Sand and cement wins every time
In 20 years I have never used or seen browning on a job, so imo b@q should get rid of it and stock bg universal/one coat.
I have used browning once only cus an old timer I worked with used it,I havnt used it since.is universal one coat in a purple bag?
Browning is all I ever used to see 20 odd yr ago mixing up for 3 plasterers in the bath with the old shovel and drag and getting the shite ripped out of me all day God looking back now labourers have got it soooooo easy nowadays! Sorry labourer section but like they say you don't know your born!never understood that saying:RpS_confused::RpS_lol:
All that talk from the office about blown plaster. Yes it is blown but only the skim coz the cowboys he had in there didn't pva the walls or take off the sockets. The finish overall isn't bad but f@&k me what's a cost of pva!!??
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