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New Member
can you pros help. i have to skim over a carlite bonded wall but i am not sure of the proceedure is it the same as skimming boards ie first coat flatten in second coat dry trowel flattening in etc.... ??? ??? ???
Do you think you may be giving just a little bit to much away to this guy in your last two posts Warrior? :D
How long has it been since it was bonded chief ? - If its been given time to dry out then give it at least 2 good coats of PVA cos its gonna suck in like Jenna Jameson with a length of hosepipe and an orange
i used to be on there mate i was nicksey i think les or whoever has banned me ive tried joining since no can do .......ill try a bit later and my user name will be grands love child ;)
im on there mate ,aint got clue what there on about with rotors and tractors stuff but other than that its alright.
nicksey you did not get banned they had a bit of a clean up on there wernt you on uk spreads aswell tyzacks are s**t
it wasnt him that wound me up it was dredge always sniggering in the background...picture the scene i was bouncing between ukspreads and thehun.com and dredge cane up with a post and changed his avator that resembled a klu klux clan .err something and it was just me dredge and bigbud im posting things and they just keep going on about the smell of fried pigs and stuff......so i told bigbud what i really thought of him and hey presto next day im banned the posts dissapeared and uk spreads went downhill ha ha ha ha .......shame really cause it was half decent like this forum is now ;)........theres a good balance here :)
that dredge is a w**k*r i called him one one night next thing i get an email from bud saying i overstepped the mark but because i had good knolwedge of plastering there would be no comebacks like i was really frightnend of some fat c**t
on the quiet im sure i heard dredge was a sewer excevator ;D......serious he was the poo man you see on site ;D.........he only got involved in plastering cause he wiped big buds arse
i think he posted on there one time first render job and it was f**k all and he has the front to call himself a spread
monkey where are you based? theres a couple of hundred metres of k rend needs doing on the job were on at the mo if youre interested ......100m is beaded already
spunkybum said:
it wasnt him that wound me up it was dredge always sniggering in the background...picture the scene i was bouncing between ukspreads and thehun.com and dredge cane up with a post and changed his avator that resembled a klu klux clan .err something and it was just me dredge and bigbud im posting things and they just keep going on about the smell of fried pigs and stuff......so i told bigbud what i really thought of him and hey presto next day im banned the posts dissapeared and uk spreads went downhill ha ha ha ha .......shame really cause it was half decent like this forum is now ;)........theres a good balance here :)
it was along the lines of what tony said ;D
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