even after a dpc injection the wall doesnt just dry out overnight... it takes months...
so by using hardwall your not goin to stop the residual moisture being drawn into the room....
if they want to cut costs, tell em to buy a belle mixer, sling a ton of sand on the back of a transit, drop a ground sheet down and mix it on the road behind the van.... 3:1 sand cement, plenty waterproofer...
make sure the waterproofer has a 'salt neutraliser / repellant' in it or youll get salts forming on the inside....
render with waterproofer in isnt 100% waterproof or you wouldnt need a salt neutraliser...
but you do, so it isnt, its just highly resistant to the passage of moisture, not completely, just very good at it...
you also shouldnt paint the wall with any kind of waterproof paint for a good year afterwards...
or youll have problems...
all this is assuming the diagnosis was correct in the first place, moisture WAS actually present in the wall etc...
if theyre just ripping people off telling em theyve got damp when they havent you can use bonding if you like or just dot and dab em.. ;D