Has anyone skimmed GTEC Aqua Boards? ( the yellow/orange coloured ones)

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They have their own jointing system for these boards that contains silicon or something to make it moisture resistant. It's a complete t**t to sand as it goes hard like flint. If you were to skim the boards, then the surface would no longer be moisture resistant, so you may as well have used std plasterboard. If you don't stick to the spec and something goes wrong it could cost £££££ to rectify. Actually if you check the Siniat book, I think it says don't plaster them.
Gtec boards are poo. When the light hits them they are full of ripples. The wall boards ,mega deco boards moisture boards etc. And then when you skim them its even worse @barryed
Hahaha, I thought that was going to be the "i have a very particular set of skills" phone call..
Why are you skimming over them? I bet that jobs already cost a lot more than needed if using them instead of standard boards hasn't it?
It's for a soffit exterior, a continuation of an interior skimmed ceiling. Mf boards were used before but failed in an area underneath a drainage gulley. The gulley was poorly sealed. Money no object, I needed to be sure that if anymore moisture came from above the boards wouldn't fail.
Has anyone skimmed GTEC Aqua Boards? ( the yellow/orange coloured ones)
The board won't fail as you can immerse them in water, and I would've thought that as long as the skim is sealed and painted with a quality product, it shouldn't absorb any moisture and fail too.
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