Has anyone spoken to British gypsum ?

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Private Member
just had an e mail back from BG admitting there is a problem at the moment due to them sourcing materials from a new supplier in europe.

so put that in your pipe and smoke it fanny.

flynnyman said:
richardbrown said:
just had an e mail back from BG admitting there is a problem at the moment due to them sourcing materials from a new supplier in europe.

so put that in your pipe and smoke it fanny.


I never said there wasnt a problem and if there is why is it only happening to 1 or 2 plasterers and a labourer on this site when there is over a thousand members? copy and paste the emai8l it might make a good read.

and a labourer ............ ahhhhhhhh haha
richardbrown said:
just had an e mail back from BG admitting there is a problem at the moment due to them sourcing materials from a new supplier in europe.

so put that in your pipe and smoke it fanny.


I agree there has been problems over the last few months, two other spreads I work with also been having problems.

Did they say why its causing issues using a different supplier? doesnt make sense to me, surely that doesnt affect how BG make their plaster, what I dont get is some bags are fine, some bags arent, havent had any bad ones for few months now mind you!
Dear Mr Brown,

we are sorry to hear about your problems with our Multi-Finish Plaster.

I have spoken in depth today to Keith Rogers our Quality Control manager, the problem seems to lay with a new European supplier where we are now sourcing one of our ingredients from.

I can assure you that we will resolve the problem by the new year.

I will be sending you out a £200 voucher to compensate you for the inconvenience which you can spend at any Build Centre.

Hope this is of help

Jenny Parsons
No I just told them the truth that for the last 4-6 months I have been having problems with their gear.... which is true and I also told them the amount of their gear I use and if they dont sort it ill go to lafarge
richardbrown said:
just had an e mail back from BG admitting there is a problem at the moment due to them sourcing materials from a new supplier in europe.

so put that in your pipe and smoke it fanny.


what did you say to british gypsum rich ive received an email back of them today and they havent admitted nothing or offered me £200?
i rung them on tues to ask what temp it should be stored at in powder form as it was -9 outside and there was a pallet left out for 2 weeks. she said it was fine as long as its covered and off the floor.
i thought this might be the cause of gritty/sandy gear but not the case
Had a drink with an old mate last night whos just finished 3 houses and happened to mention if he was having any trouble with multi, well as you mention it he said and proceeded to tell me all the grief he has been having with it much the same as every one else on this thread the problem was that the builder was sort of pointing the finger at him luckily i knew the builder so we rang him and i explained what i knew and what had happened to Richard all sorted my mate in the clear all thanks to this forum.
Nice to hear some thing positive ;) ;)
Unlike me sat at home watching the snow fall, spoke to the customers (who i had already warned about starting external renders/mono jobs, especialy as i go to India for nearly a month next week) and told em it looks as though i won't be back on site for at least five weeks , "No problem , can't be helped, you can't control the weather" no i can't but i did bloody warn you and now i got materials etc sat about for the next five weeks , piisssed off , well till next week any how ;D ;D ;D
The papers rekon that we are havin six weeks of hell -18 degs im sittin at home waitin for the bloody van to be fixed ,prob be betta off in india warrior ;)
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