Heidi K11 price

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Any one using Heidi k system at the min and if so how much you paying a bag , not sure if my new rep is on the ball with the prices he's given me.
not sure warrior lad never used it before, its render for damp walls i think? you use it in subways/undergrounds or damp areas n the likes. expect it will be more expensive than usual bagged render.
doesnt Symmo know
It's not a render it's a tanking slurry that goes directly onto a wall then it can be rendered or boarde. Used it once years ago on a basement convertion and it is amazing stuff! Email sovereign and they'll send u a price list.
Am a sovereign installer , but i have not bought any heidi k for about a year i am sure i was paying £32 a bag but now the new sovereign rep is saying £46 a bag , think i will start looking for a new supplier for my damp proofing gear , You are right roofer2 it is a cementitious slurry and is very good gear but i sure there must be a more competitive system on the market equally as good
it was about £30.00 a bag when i used it about 4 years ago. To be honest most of these type of products are expensive now Kingfisher tank-it is £57.00 a 25 kg bag + VAT and Hydradry Tanking Slurry is £50 before VAT.
Whats with that system? where would you use it? surely theres better systems to use in basements now, e.g thermal membranes, channels and pump system. And above ground injections etc.
FreeD said:
Whats with that system? where would you use it? surely theres better systems to use in basements now, e.g thermal membranes, channels and pump system. And above ground injections etc.

The property's i am doing are all mid terraced and are between both private and council owned property's and i know trying to get party wall agreements would be a nightmare to try and get, if at all possible . So the best option is a tanking system , i have three to start this week and one the following week and seven more at the end of the month
plus all the plastering top to bottom , looks as though the Heidi k system is the best option to press
you must be laughing all the way to the bank m8...never done any tanking...watching the video on the Sovereign site for Heidi Installation it looks like a very long winded process do you really have to follow all those steps? I see they also do membranes...you would need a party wall agreemant to install membrane system?
I know this is an old thread but I just wanted to add that I know someone who Ill advisedly used tanking to avoid bothering with the party wall act as mentioned above.

It's worth reading the party wall act to the letter and it stipulates that plastering is not severe enough to need a notice.., but anything that can have an effect on next door's wall is deemed to need a party wall notice. Some deem tanking to be effect next door so if there is any doubt consider if a notice is needed. And remember even if the party wall act doesn't apply claims can still be made for damage.

Tanking like this has damaged many neighbour's walls by pushing the damp their side.

As Sovereign themselves state in their renovation guide, this system does not stop capillary action and it can encourage capillary action. That's why you apply it so high. Consider if this capillary action can go next door as well as up.

Think about this before taking the easy option or giving advice in future. Please!

While it may not always it definitely cause damage and damp next door please consider this and properly look into the consequences of any treatment.
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