Hello from a new member

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New Member

I'm Andrew. I've been plastering for about a year now. I do enjoy the work and wish to advertise my services locally as I have been working off recommendations.

I am going to the Wallcrete training day in Sheffield on the 28th of June. It looks interesting and a possibility to add this service to my business would be nice.

Anyway, I hope you are all enjoying your day!!

Hi Andrew

welcome to the plasterers forum you will enjoy this journey my friend.

if you would like to find out about clay plasters and training come and see us in the clay plaster discussions.

Paul :RpS_thumbup:
Hi Paul.

Thanks for the message. Been on your website! Impressive. It could be something I'd be interested in. Ill be in touch when I decide to proceed.

Best wishes


I'm Andrew. I've been plastering for about a year now. I do enjoy the work and wish to advertise my services locally as I have been working off recommendations.

I am going to the Wallcrete training day in Sheffield on the 28th of June. It looks interesting and a possibility to add this service to my business would be nice.

Anyway, I hope you are all enjoying your day!!


Welcome along.................what kind of plastering you been doing then mate?
looks like the monster has set up another id

tilst = the monster, your office talk gave it away

I'm Andrew. I've been plastering for about a year now. I do enjoy the work and wish to advertise my services locally as I have been working off recommendations.

I am going to the Wallcrete training day in Sheffield on the 28th of June. It looks interesting and a possibility to add this service to my business would be nice.

Anyway, I hope you are all enjoying your day!!

Hello mate ,best of luck with the Wallcrete i was thinking about it myself .
@bubbles - I haven't really done anything outstanding. Most of my jobs have been re-skims. Had a rendering job last week and tackled a large lath wooden lath ceiling. Nothing you guys would call extraordinary!
@NPS - have no idea what monster is - sorry
@keith - thanks Keith. You should get yourself on a training day if you are not busy!
It does look great from what I have seen of it. £60 isn't really bad at all. My friend already wants me to do his garage so I'll see how it goes on the 28th.
@nisus. Thanks for the welcome. I can tile to a certain extent! (at least on my own home). Wouldn't try it on a customers property though. Its something I'd like to learn how to do properly in the future.
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