Hello from Benfleet

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New Member
Hi, recently joined the forum having gone down the C&G training route, picking up little jobs here and there, based in Benfleet Essex - great website thanks for sharing the knowledge.
thanks, now trying to sort out cscs card, test bookings are a 3 week + wait - must be busy..
Three weeks, they are taking the proverbial, a five minute in and out test, ps ,read the damn book ,they ask lots of silly questions that you will never ever need to remember
this is my favourite test Q&A: "The toilets on your site are always dirty or do not flush. What should you do?" I am stuck between:
A Try not to use the toilets while you are at work.
C Try to fix the fault yourself
as my favourite answer...
this is my favourite test Q&A: "The toilets on your site are always dirty or do not flush. What should you do?" I am stuck between:
A Try not to use the toilets while you are at work.
C Try to fix the fault yourself
as my favourite answer...
Conundrum indeed, when I started , there was a part of the site where they all pissed, the apprentice got to plaster that section, oh the whiff of amonium remains with me, six months of piss, ps what's b and d options
B Tell the person in charge of the site about the problem
D See if you can use the toilets in a nearby cafe or pub

i'm still laughing
B Tell the person in charge of the site about the problem
D See if you can use the toilets in a nearby cafe or pub

i'm still laughing
if its hot, should you drill holes in your helmet,was one I,remember,you know what happens when you tell someone the toilets need cleaning.
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