Hello from Southern California

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New Member
Came across your forum while trying to find definition for "raise the cream". Currently plastering three rooms using aggregate clay and a Spanish speaking assistant who has a green card and ADD. Enjoyed the comments on cream of tartar. Hoping to become more informed with more reading.
You aren't flogging NFL shirts are you? :rolleyes) :RpS_lol:

Welcome :RpS_thumbup:
By flogging do you mean beating (As in causing physical pain) or selling or stealing. If you want one I'll be happy to send one over, let me know which team.
By flogging do you mean beating (As in causing physical pain) or selling or stealing. If you want one I'll be happy to send one over, let me know which team.

Only recently we've had several (..well, just a few more than several) American 'visitors' posting spam adds up for NFL shirts... It was a bit of humour :RpS_unsure:
welcome to theforum....

theres a clay section so i am sure the claymonster will be able to help

merry christmas
Welcome along........Merry Christmas....... Hello from Southern California
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