Hello to all and CSCS question time?

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New Member
Hello all and it has been a few years since i was on the tools spreading. Been away in a warm country taking it easy for too long. But kids need some English education now and the time has come to get back on the tools again!

Since i have been away they have now brought the good old CSCS system. Can anybody please help answer The following question.

Never did the paperwork for NVQ 2-3 while i was on the tools in those 12 years and never needed to. Going to get the basic card done in the next few weeks so i can get on site if needed. But if you don't have the correct CSCS card for plastering without the NVQ will they refuse entry on this basis.

On the above would you get then on a course to get this Bit of paper or do it with examiner coming out to you working.

Thanks in advance all

some sites dont care what card youve got but some do and wont let you plaster unless it says on the card you are a plasterer also getting a start with someone they would prefer it said you was a plasterer and if you do get on site the easiest way to get your quals is an onsite assesment but think it might cost you.
Got my oSAT free but that was before the govt went bankrupt. Think it will now set u bank at least £1000 for OSAT now:RpS_unsure:
I will check as I need to call andy this week but i am sure when I spoke to him a couple of weeks back he said that they were still funded :-)
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