Help on a painted, white washed wattle and daub wall

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New Member
Hello people

Can anyone help with ideas on how to prep this room for plaster. Whole room is wattle and daub that's been white washed then that's been painted over.

PVA lifts the top paint coat off exposing the white wash.

Can't overboard as no solid fixings

EML will have problems with fixings too.

Would stabiliser and WBA or another bonding agent
work to fix the whitewash behind the paint?

Any other ideas other than hacking the paint off?

Is it listed?wattle and daub with a lime finish then the paint/limewash?if they are listed and in a bad state of repair they will either have to be repaired or start from fresh or you could build a stud in front then board and skim so it all stays intact behind,it can have quite a lot of movement in being springy and soft in certain areas when you push your hand on it,this is why I don't like skimming straight over the lime in these situations.welcome to the forum btw :RpS_thumbup:
If it's distemper your gonna have a nightmare on your hands! If it's lath and plaster that's about the period they used the horrible stuff! last time I came across the stuff I had to scrape as much of it off as I could and then keyed the whole lot up with a knife,I never had a call back from it. Also I think there is a stabilizer you can get if it's distemper
I use a water based stabilising solution then a bonding agent, or pva.
Never had any callbacks, mind you I do change my number every month :RpS_unsure:
i like to use gyproc drywall sealer [ the red tub ] 10 litr. Apply day before. It is oil based so use cheap roller and throw away.
Thanks for the replies. Got some water baser stabiliser and will see if that penetrates the paint and gets to the white wash. And some bonding agent too for after. Thanks.
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