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Just noticed the private message saying to introduce myself, sorry about that!:RpS_bored:
I'm Connor and I live on the Wirral. Decided to put University on hold a couple of years ago and take on a trade and here I am. I'm finished my first year with a distinction and currently in the middle of my second year. Still trying to look about for experience (never knew it would be this bad:rolleyes)) but fingers crossed until then.
Any tips and advice are always welcome.
Thats the question mate
It sounds weird but I had offers a couple of years ago for games design and I decided to post pone it. I know of too many people who finished uni and couldn't get jobs for years so I thought havnig a trade would be a good thing to fall on. Turns out I'm good and enjoy it:RpS_thumbsup:
well my three girls all when to uni and all subsequently got jobs , i don't get that ,and good -jobs at that !!.
well my three girls all when to uni and all subsequently got jobs , i don't get that ,and good -jobs at that !!.
Good on them mate, if I had more friends tell me good stories of post university I probably would have jumped the gun and went. Its been ncie taking these extra couple of years out any way because I've matured tons and I'm slowly working out what I want to do as a career. Either way I want to end up in Australia :rolleyes)

Cool mate, what Plastering qualifications have you got ?
I have:

*Level 1 Diploma in Plastering (distinction)
*Level 1 & 2 certificate in Environmental sustainability
*Edexcel BTEC entry Level 3 QCF award in construction

I've been a course rep for 2 years and managed to get us a bigger warehouse across from our college for the plasterers and brickies (they take up far too much room:glare:)
I'm studying the level 2 now and I'm having no trouble with it so far. Me and a mate are working on a bay in college; We've done a plain face render on the left wall, scratch coat on the back leading up to a pebble dash render, skimmed the wall opposite to the plain face, will be starting our fibrous work soon and attach it to the skimmed wall, put some corner beads on the edges of the bay and float them out so they look tidy and finally finish with a floor screed.
Would love to add a wooden gate and barb wire fence; some idiots managed to tear parts of my wall off when I was gone the other day:RpS_cursing:
The warehouse used to be an engineers yard so the block work is harsh. Didn't wet a wall enough one week and had plasterboard trap my fingers to the floor. Serves me right haha
Welcome Connor

Good Luck mate - muck in and you will get plenty of help and encouragement on here!!

You were not trying to off load a few NFL shirts were you? the Mods are hot on things like that!

(if not................ do you want to buy some?)
Fraid not tar haha and thanks. Just wondering how to make myself more employable at the moment, seems impossible. I'm doing my CSCS through college soon so hopefully that will help
Fraid not tar haha and thanks. Just wondering how to make myself more employable at the moment, seems impossible. I'm doing my CSCS through college soon so hopefully that will help

Positive Metal Attitude!!

Willing to get a job done!!

Wanting to learn and have a try!!

show some of that to get an opportunity, then show it all when it comes along!!

Good Luck Connor!
Also stick to the uni course as well. You can then do a bit of both.

I was on a book keeping and accounts course. There was a lad who was a born accountant. Halfway through the 3 rd and final year he quit. He had been working with a roofer and enjoyed it so much he became his trainee roofer. He told me he intended to learn the trade and go into his own business. I thought he was mad! Accountants are highly paid for what they do and will always be needed.

I met up with him last year 5 years after the course finished and true enough he is running his own roofing business and is happy. And he does his own accounts as well. Brainy sod!
welcome mate
thought this country was crying out for games designers????
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Thanks for all the warm welcomes
New brighton at the moment
I'm happy to even work for free a couple of times at the moment; either to show what I can do or learn what I can't. Nothing wrong with a bit of experience

They might be wanting games designers but even though I have a passion for games I can't concentrate on programming :/
Whatever I chose in the end will be a good pair with plastering any way. I stumbled upon he whole eco building thing when I started plastering and it interests me a lot
Thanks for all the warm welcomes
New brighton at the moment
I'm happy to even work for free a couple of times at the moment; either to show what I can do or learn what I can't. Nothing wrong with a bit of experience

They might be wanting games designers but even though I have a passion for games I can't concentrate on programming :/
Whatever I chose in the end will be a good pair with plastering any way. I stumbled upon he whole eco building thing when I started plastering and it interests me a lot
Your do well mate ,best of luck
Thanks for all the warm welcomes
New brighton at the moment
I'm happy to even work for free a couple of times at the moment; either to show what I can do or learn what I can't. Nothing wrong with a bit of experience

They might be wanting games designers but even though I have a passion for games I can't concentrate on programming :/
Whatever I chose in the end will be a good pair with plastering any way. I stumbled upon he whole eco building thing when I started plastering and it interests me a lot

Theres an eco show coming up in London. That might be of interest to you.

I know new brighton well used to spend loads of time on the wirral, went liverpool hope uni. I think you've done the right thing. Unless you're on a vocational course these days its really hard to get a job after. You've spent 3-4years doing fcuk all and when you grad everyone who didn't go has been working their way up somewhere and are looking at houses with their savings while you've had to move back in with the parents and feel like a douche.

If I had known what I wanted to do after school i'd be absolutley flying now! would prob have several porperties all renting out.... maybe

Good luck you've got the right attitude sure you'll be fine :RpS_thumbup:
Thanks for all the warm welcomes
New brighton at the moment
I'm happy to even work for free a couple of times at the moment; either to show what I can do or learn what I can't. Nothing wrong with a bit of experience

They might be wanting games designers but even though I have a passion for games I can't concentrate on programming :/
Whatever I chose in the end will be a good pair with plastering any way. I stumbled upon he whole eco building thing when I started plastering and it interests me a lot

Get on uk hippy and tribal living mate, loads of eco stuffon them, if you ay bin go to the c.a.t. Centre in macy
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