Newby to spreading, came out my time in 08 only done it for about 4 years, still learning, still gaining pace. Seen this site, loads of cracking information and things that's helped me out.
Just wondering if any of you lot tile as well as plaster as I'm thinking of going into that route as well.
Reason being is I've came across quite a bit of bathroom work and clients ask me regularly if i can tile, i obviously say no as i draw the line at splash back, and mosaic/patterned seem a bit out of my league.
Just wondering what your take of it is?
I'm going to bring a few questions to the board, mainly based around myself, but I'll try and provide info if that's ok
Just wondering if any of you lot tile as well as plaster as I'm thinking of going into that route as well.
Reason being is I've came across quite a bit of bathroom work and clients ask me regularly if i can tile, i obviously say no as i draw the line at splash back, and mosaic/patterned seem a bit out of my league.
Just wondering what your take of it is?
I'm going to bring a few questions to the board, mainly based around myself, but I'll try and provide info if that's ok
