Hi All....

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New Member
Hi, Im a Plasterer of 22 yrs! Moved to a new area and looking to try new ways of generating business more locally. Looked into checkatrade where I saw this site advertised. Im not computer literate at all but thought Id join and see how I get on!
Hi Duncan, welcome, where have you moved to and what types of plastering do you do, good site here for advice even for us old guys,
Hi Duncan :-)

Welcome to the site :-)

If you need any advice for web advertising let me know :-) I can help a lot with this :-)

Hi all, thanks alot. Danny I might very well take you up on the web advertising. I haven't a clue about technology but am hoping to change this!
Hi Danny sorry to gate crash the convo just if you don't miond could you tell me a little about web advertising also I'm just starting out on my own and anthing can help cheers
Hi Duncan welcome

I last had my business in the Sussex area ten years ago but have many contacts there still and also know some good places to advertise still. I have loads of work up in Guildford if you are up for helping us out while you set things up. More than happy to help you but Crawley is Plasterers breeding ground these days but still loads of work if you know the right people. let us have your number and will give you a call if you are interested. Matty
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