hi newbi here

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you haven't mentioned how many beers you can drink before getting before breaking into a sea life centre and wrestle a porpoise?!!!! :RpS_lol:
one little job bud, was just enough to finish the week :RpS_thumbup: tend to stay local these days having a little un and 1 in the oven, but have worked all over did manchester, peak district, north wales and London last year for a local insurance company. Have toothbrush, will travel :RpS_thumbsup:
one little job bud, was just enough to finish the week :RpS_thumbup: tend to stay local these days having a little un and 1 in the oven, but have worked all over did manchester, peak district, north wales and London last year for a local insurance company. Have toothbrush, will travel :RpS_thumbsup:

handy to know that pal :RpS_thumbup:
Are these puns accidental Marshy or on porpoise? :RpS_crying: sorry :RpS_blushing:

naa the ale has kicked in and too busy looking after the pooches (got a new rescue pup lurcher 10 week old) my other staffie not keen so he's being kept out of the way :RpS_laugh:
:RpS_laugh: sounds like hard work, Im looking after a bitch myself tonight but if I called her that I think she would kick my balls into my stomach :-0
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