I am new the forum and am building my own house. I am preping a rim joist to install a thin stone veneer. The rim joist is about 10 wide and sits on a pressure treated 2x6. I have installed a L flashing 6x2" near the bottom of the rim joist. The bottom of the flashing comes out about 2" below the mud sill, with the foundation behind it. Next I applied 2 layers of 60 min. paper and the a rain screen drainage plane. I bought some ribbed expanded metal lath that has ribs every 6". If I run the ribs horizontally with the cups up the way I'm suppose to, all if the fasteners in the bottom V will be very near the bottom of the flashing and will have to go into the concrete. I started to cut the lath into 14" lengths so that the ribs would be vertical but at least I could get all of the screws into the wood. The I remembered that the cups are suppose to be up. My question is how much will I compromise the system by running the lathe vertically - remembering that it has to support the plaster as well as the weight of the thin stone veneer?