how do you skim a wall?

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Don't you make a border and separate it into bays, make sure they're level and then fill in the bays?
how do you skim a wall?
I like to spend sometime visualiseing a job before i make a start.usually when i am having my morning dump.
And I thought I made an entrance with my comments,u can come on a refresher course with me if you want £2995.99 +vat ;)
Yes but he's been qualified since 2008!!

Its a p1ss take mate, he came on years ago and asked some seriously basic questions and got outed for being a savage chancer, there was another lad called Oasis who was the same but he ended up doing ok, where as FreeD still hasn't found his feet yet. Some of these more recent questions are an attempt at re-branding himself as a wind-up merchant to try and distance himself from his reputation as an odd job man.
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