How do!

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New Member
Alright folks, names Willie from the west cost of Scotland and i served my time as a Slater/Plasterer however the firm i worked for never really entertrained plastering as it was all new builds i worked on, however over the years and with the tradesman i had i learned the trade and can now say im fully competant at what i do. I tend to do more skimming work than traditional nowadays which is ok but the bulk of my work comes in the form of external render work ie roughcasting (wet/dry) and render systems and i do a lot of roofwork (tiling/slating) also.

I have just recently went self employed after 13 years with the firm i served my time with and so far we are steadily plodding on picking up work, currently subbing just now doing external work (alumasc/hitovers) so all is going ok.

Anyways just thought i would say hello!
he just gets home after a hard days graft and rolls around in macca, thats wen hes dirty
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