How long after...


Private Member
buying a machine would you say your days start to go hassle free? After getting my machine fixed and running great the genny decided it wouldn't start, fking nusience, starting to make me look like a dick.
Get it all out in ur back garden. N annoy your kids, missus and neighbours practicing setting it up and running it
I'd say judging by the guys on here who have had machines years you're never really far from hassle.
buying a machine would you say your days start to go hassle free? After getting my machine fixed and running great the genny decided it wouldn't start, fking nusience, starting to make me look like a dick.
I bought my first machine 7 years ago, I still get days like that.
buying a machine would you say your days start to go hassle free? After getting my machine fixed and running great the genny decided it wouldn't start, fking nusience, starting to make me look like a dick.
have you serviced the genny ? i do mine 3 times a year
Oil change every 6 months and air filter once a year. Quality oil and Genuine Honda filters.
Is yours a 5kva genny? Have u tried running yours off mains with a transformer?

Is that a auestion to me? 7kva running at 240v.

We tend to plug the ritmo into the genny and water pump into the mains. Had to many mains rcd trip. Genny is more reliable.
It's a 5kva Honda genny. Bought it second hand last month and until now it's not missed a beat. Feel better knowing I'm not the only one having these days, lucky enough the builder knows I'm getting to grips with it but it takes patience.
If you service them regularly ie change the filters etc, there's not much to go a miss really is there.
Is that a auestion to me? 7kva running at 240v.

We tend to plug the ritmo into the genny and water pump into the mains. Had to many mains rcd trip. Genny is more reliable.
so 7KVA petrol genny is fine for the Ritmo L?
Things went better today apart from driving to job 40mins away then realising I'd left the geka tap fitting on kitchen worktop and then after setting up discovered I hadn't cleaned the air pipe right on gun last time and it was solid with render. Finally got spraying around 11 and there was no problems after that.
Things went better today apart from driving to job 40mins away then realising I'd left the geka tap fitting on kitchen worktop and then after setting up discovered I hadn't cleaned the air pipe right on gun last time and it was solid with render. Finally got spraying around 11 and there was no problems after that.
Just fill up the butt with a hose pipe
I don't bother with those fittings anymore
I use a barrel and pump as I never trust the water presdure off the tap. But just in case I have the pump pack in I have a water pipe and tap fitting on standby. My water pump stopped two weeks ago, it blew a fuse.
The strata has a built in pump but Jim on here says he can't get his to work without using an external pump. Do you just plug the pump into the genny
You just need to make sure you get a strict routine. Quick easy setup. Thorough clean down. Make sure all the lads know the drill. And keep spare parts and keep them organised. Simples
You just need to make sure you get a strict routine. Quick easy setup. Thorough clean down. Make sure all the lads know the drill. And keep spare parts and keep them organised. Simples
Just trying to work my routine out with a bit of trial and error, never had any training so learning as I go.
How long would yous leave gear in the machine? Was Roughcasting yesterday and after spraying a panel it was hanging for ages and didn't want to move onto next panel as it was large until I had cast the first panel.
How long would yous leave gear in the machine? Was Roughcasting yesterday and after spraying a panel it was hanging for ages and didn't want to move onto next panel as it was large until I had cast the first panel.

I panic after a few minutes but I have heard on here of the gun being put down for up to 20 minutes.

I did have a blockage in my early days after maybe 5 minutes.