How to accelerate Diamond Veneer.

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New Member
I was just wondering if anyone has worked out how to speed up the setting time for Diamond Veneer, i know people are usually looking to slow setting time down but as a tradesman i often find that i may only have to skim a small area and would like to get finished quickly. Would appreciate any tips.
Cheers John
I remember the American guy going on about this when he skimmed that ceiling with a pool trowel. The redhead with the white shirt name escapes me ... He says it enough.
I think he actually is signed up. I'm sure he gives a tpf mention in one of his videos.
Thats mad!
Small world , i know that guy!!!
We did some work over in Piedmont in CA for another contractor , i worked for this guy who had a proper American name and a cracker fire truck , taught me a lot about marble finishes etc , nice guy he was (most of the time) better than my compatriots , thats for sure
Loads of videos , that brings back memories!
Paper and wire , bullnosing everything , swimming pool trowel , great stuff.
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