Howdy people

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New Member
Hi, I'm new to the forum, just thought I would say hello to everyone. Does anyone know of a method to test the integrity of a lathe and plaster ceiling? I have a customer who's ceiling has fallen in one place but doesn't want to overboard because they have original cornice work. They want me to check the rest of the ceiling as ideally they want to just patch where necessary to save the cornice, so if the rest of the ceiling is sound it can be done but if large parts are blown or likely to blow then we'll just take it all down and replace it.
Apart from tapping is there a better method to check if the ceiling is sound or not?:RpS_blushing: Thanks for your help
welcome if you really dnt want to take it down you can overboard it but fit shaddow gap beads round the perimeter this will keep the coveing and give a nice feature round the outside
hit it with a shovel... if it falls off you get the job... if it doesnt... hit it again till it does...

then just board over the laths with 9.5, 12.5 or 15mm... whatever brings you almost to cornice line and skim up to the cornice...
if the cornice looks wobbly... screw it to the laths and fill the holes.. :RpS_thumbup:
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