I priced a job today to render a bunglow!!

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s.p.t plastering

Active Member
But it's really pourus bricks I'll be rendering over, he wants it tyroleaned anyway.

But what would u guys put on the bricks frist before scratching?

I was going to use pva, or neat sbr.

Then a 4.1 scratch coat with waterproof, and then 5.1.1 top coat with lime.

Would it be ok to just devil float as I'm tyroleaning?

Some of the stuff is low level and small panals, do going to do it on my own, apart from the gable, as the price is tight to.
grand wizard said:
just scratch it with waterproofer in it

Iv'e seen people do that before though over pourus bricks, and you could brush the scratch cpat off with your hand when dried out, where it's dried to quick.

There red bricks.
if i use sbr...... in the mix, do i need to put waterproofer in aswell or just plasticiser, or does sbr act as a plasticiser.
i dont get the old SBR . if fort it was like a bonding agent.. put on the wall .. not add 2 the mix?
bodplasterer said:
If you are worried about the scratch going powdery you could add a bit of sbr and fibres to the mix.

if sbr and fibers make the sand&cement stronger... and less lightly to crack.... why bother with waterproofer. cheers
SkyZOO said:
bodplasterer said:
If you are worried about the scratch going powdery you could add a bit of sbr and fibres to the mix.

if sbr and fibers make the sand&cement stronger... and less lightly to crack.... why bother with waterproofer. cheers

the clue is in the name "waterproofer".
it is mate it pretty much does everything you ask .......people dont use it all the time cause it costs 3-4 times the amount of waterproofer/plasticiser
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