I you all doing lads

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Confused Andy.
Upstairs of plot every hit took 3 hours downstairs every hit 2 hours 10 mins
Skim from 2 different suppliers.
Utter madness mate.
Confused Andy.
Upstairs of plot every hit took 3 hours downstairs every hit 2 hours 10 mins
Skim from 2 different suppliers.
Utter madness mate.
I bet u still one coating aswell did a stair wall other day s**t wall mind you nearly 4 hours b4 a I put a flex on it
Cold damp s**t place
O dear, how many meter u put on today mate

Think of your best day ever. In the 90s. You’re pumped up and slanging it on like an animal. Take the meters you did on that special day. Times it by 7. That’s what he did before lunch