If plaster could talk

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As I find myself staring at a ceiling that's been on since about 8.30 and still just about as soft as it went on, I find myself asking it, Why the F*ck won't you set!?! If plaster could talk what would you ask it? My two would be, on small areas why do you hang for hours but on large areas you take up in no time? Also why do you always land on that one bit of carpet that I missed with the polythene? Sorry I'm bored!
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Just playing with tapatalk lol

Yesterday's job 3-1/2m2 hack off, 2coats tanking and render. Be skimmed next week.

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It might say plastering is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman. You gotta get the timing right, lay it on smooth, s**t like that. If you do the right things there could be a big tip in it.

Haven't even started yet. Got here and the daft t**t had knocked the coves out. Expected me to "just do that as well". That and the rest of his s**t work has put a day on it and means I'll have to work Saturday morning. So charged him the extra. Seemed genuinely perplexed. Prick. I'm thinking of just f**k**g off altogether.
Thinking of putting like a time capsule in the ceiling. So someone in fifty years time will discover it and have an insight into the past. Might put a pot noodle in it and a copy of the daily star or fifty plus mag


  • If plaster could talk
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  • If plaster could talk
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Thinking of putting like a time capsule in the ceiling. So someone in fifty years time will discover it and have an insight into the past. Might put a pot noodle in it and a copy of the daily star or fifty plus mag

I think the standard time capsule is an empty woodbine or players fag packet and a local newspaper. Unless plumbers left it, in which case it will be random bits of pipe and a load of broken tiles.
Thinking of putting like a time capsule in the ceiling. So someone in fifty years time will discover it and have an insight into the past. Might put a pot noodle in it and a copy of the daily star or fifty plus mag
Lol that'd quite funny.... we found the words rip and a chaps name written in the sand and cement in our loft when we did the conversion

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