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New Member
have you guys ever been back to see old work say 3-4 years ago or for you older lot maybe 10 or more years ago?

I'm back at a family house i did lots of plastering about 5 years ago and i look back now and can pick holes in it every were this ent clever i should have done this or that ect.. even dow the people are very happy with it im NOT .. just showes how much you improve over time! my work was passable but now its quality :-)
Just redone my whole house. Did one ceiling and two walls when I started out 4 years ago. How did I ever make money back then? Fortunatly I worked for a couple of cowboys who didn't like paying out, so never ruined one of my own jobs
my work improved alot over the first 10 years but then i saw standards dropping in the commercial sector so i started to drop mine too so as to remain competitive.
it was mainly knowing what i could get away and what i was going to get snagged on.
i never look back when i've finished a job even if i know it's s**t hot.
sad really,i'm only in it for the money (which is s**t now) and am too old thick to do anything else. ;D
I'm not in it just for the money, I also do it cos I'd rather drive a dusty van than a clean sports car. Love inhailing plaster dust. f**k**g up my washing machine, and being asked by everyone I know to do them a favour. Maybe it is just the monet for me then;)
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