insulation board or render board

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New Member
I am in the process of building a timber framed house which we are looking to render with one of latest silicone renders.
I believe that there are two methods, being renderboards (knauf aquaboard) which are screwed to batons and rendered over the other being insulation board (looks like polysterene) screwed directly to the ply board and rendered.
I would like any comments or comparisons on either of these methods to help me decide eg an idea on cost, installation, ease of use etc. The area to be boarded and rendered is 110m.

There are a few routes you could go down here.

Firstly, If your house is already Insulated via the cavity or Internally then the Knauf Aquapanel would be the best way to go. It is a great Render Board and the system we supply JUB has guarantees to go over the top of it.

The second option you have, If you are looking for Insulation would be a rail system. This will create a small cavity between the wall and Insulation board which can then be rendered over the top. Our JUB system has full BBA approval on this system and all products come with a manufacturers guarantee.

The Insulation screwed to the Ply will work, however, Building control may look at it and not be happy due to 'sweating'. This is where the Insulation will be up-tight against the wall not allowing any room for the walls to 'breathe'

If you would like to talk in more detail about your options please give me a call on: 01242 236699

Hi Minniwinni (GREAT forum name!)

As Ryan says above........ if the TF is already insulated, then there should be no further need for insulation on the outside..... don;t just add more insulation on the outside without having someone check where the dew point in the wall falls.... you may be creating un-necessary problems!

If you do add more insulation, put in a cavity (as Ryan says). Applying insulation straight onto the TF sheathing board will trap moisture in the TF and it will then rot the TF over a period of time!

If you want more info or assistance with regards to the Knauf Aquapanel Exterior, drop me an E mail [email protected] with your drawings and project details and I will help you out (or call me on 07918766577)

Good Luck - whatever you choose to do!

Richard Lord
Knauf Aquapanel Exterior Specification Manager
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