Internal Render - newbie question

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New Member
Hi all,

I have been spreading for about 6 years, but its all been dot and dab and skimming over artex etc. I have recently moved to a coastal area and a lot of internal finshes are render and 'rubbed up' to a coarse sand paper like finish. Having never had to do this I am a bit in the dark, could someone give me a few pointers as to best mixes of render, and a quick how to on the rubbing up to get the grit finish.
Also I am trying to even up a various surfaces with the render, including plasterboard, gloss painted brick and existing render, will I need a key to bond it all to?


had a look at the newbie section and done a search, nothing there, just need a few pointers to make sure I'm doing it right.
all depends on what you are going on weather it be old, damp or other, as a guide two coat your work scratch coat, next lay your second coat on rule it off to what you want, shut it down with your float allow it to hazel off then rub it up with your float until you have it where you want, just before it has gone to far finish it off with a sponge this will give you the textured finish that resembles sandpaper ;)

thanks for the info, went back yesterday to apply second coat, it was only about 6 square metres, I dont think I let it harden off enough before rubbing up, luckily it was only in one corner, came back after lunch and came up ok, think its trial and error really. Is it better to let it go off more and then bring it back?

customer was happy anyway
Yea totaly agree with Steve But only thing i would say on this is only use youre sponge float to close the 'Hardwall or Bonding' in if youre skimming same day cos If you leave it to skim tne next day It wont drink enough water to kill the suction!
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