internal rendering

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Private Member
have a bit of internal rendering (patching) to do 2moro.... should i use hydrated lime 4 internal rendering. cheers
Good stuff lime but unnecessary when rendering indoors unless your spec tells you then you should just do it to avoid any come backs, my old man always swore that board finish was best on s/c but i have always used multi.
sorry andy...... my fault i having the same conversation in different sections..... bod mentioned about the salts coming through in the tips section about rendering. :)
To be honest most the time i use what ever i got in the van or left over from another job be it board or m/f ill mix the 2 together what ever is needed to get the job done.
Nearly all the problems ive ever had have been artex related in one way or another i hate the stuff.
The victorins didnt have retardedr this and hydrated that and waterproofer plasticiders etc etc nor did they have electric mixers or site lights and if they need scaffolding they used wood.
They didnt have spirit levels they used water levels and bob lines,they could teach barrat a thing or 2.
And has for health and safety policies simply there was none.Becuse people had common sense in those days.
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