Intresting !

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New Member
Been to meet a damp and waterproof guy 2 day about doing work for him. but while i was there he showed me a typical damp wall in a living room were had a sash window in and render was falling off and had been damp.. normally us guys would have to 2 coat sand and cement this kind of job then skim it so a 3 day job! well he applied this egg Shell box manbrain thing to the wall then said u can now dot and dab or hardwall this no probs.. fort it was a good way to do it with no comeback ks.
There of loads of these different membrains about delta, john newton, isoa platon are just a few. Not as easy to work on as you might think. Platon is the one I work on most but for hardwall its 5-7 days between coats! Dabbing over is easy only the dab don't go off so it feels like you ent put enough on and the board bounces untill it fully sets.
carlos said:
There of loads of these different membrains about delta, john newton, isoa platon are just a few. Not as easy to work on as you might think. Platon is the one I work on most but for hardwall its 5-7 days between coats! Dabbing over is easy only the dab don't go off so it feels like you ent put enough on and the board bounces untill it fully sets.

Why does it need 5-7 days between coats of hardwall, once hardwall has set and shrunk what is to be gained by leaving it longer? I've never worked on these membrains so am trying to learn, I feel like Oasis ::)
Is this the similar stuff that they use in basements to let the moisture run down the back and into some sort of drainage?
the guy i no said he normally gets the membrain hardwalled sometimes dabbed.. so u think if we back out in the morning we will not be able to skim the same day? ill ask him for more info.

also looks like ill need to bring my other spread as you all no iv not learnt to do backing coats yet .. only for the small reason that no one has ever shown me! lolo he said it comes in 17meter rolls...
it was penetrating damp so yea that fixed it well. this guy nos his stuff for sure he told me all about his background in damp works.
Ive never seen this stuff b4,i thought at first you where talking about visquene liners or summot.
Intersteing stuff.But it will only mask the damp like others say,couldn't give a 30 year warranty with that stuff surely ??
They can guarantee the product for 30years, but will its application meet all the warranty criteria. Makes me laugh this guarantee malarky, like silver__ne products... apparently there guaranteed forever, but not much kop.
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