Its all HS2 not building work any more

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New Member
Well looking at the news its time to get your old hornby railway track out and start to learn how to lay track, thats if the goverment gets its way over HS2, WHEN are they going to start giving money to building firms to help us out ! we are the bigest work force in the land (that includes plasterers lads) What they'll do is contract this out and some firm from over seas will get it and your right what i'm thinking the brits will not get a look in and if they do it will be on a lower hourly rate. Come on the goverment people and listen to us for once "we are dying out here and kick start the constuction industry not the bloody railway industry that only people who live in London want so they can get back to their holiday homes at the weekend faster". Any way now going into the roof the look for my old railway track. :RpS_cursing: good look out there !
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