just a theory

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Well-Known Member
Global warming is causing sea levels to rise in certain areas and where some houses had massive gardens they now are hanging on a cliff, could this be to do with sand being used in building properties over the years? We are talkin a lot of sand to make concrete, mortar, bricks etc
River sand in our part of the world used to come from the Mersey basin, not sure if it still does.

So its not an entirely unsound theory.
it dont come from the beach you silly t**t, specially not if the f**k**s have houses near by! thats nothing to do with rising sea levels either, that just every day erosion!
course it does. if you go down the beach early enough in the morning its full of travis perkins and jewsons wagons filling up for the day. i tried putting a dead jellyfish up the wall today. F*****g nightmare
Freerider_2009 said:
it dont come from the beach you silly (french word), specially not if the (french word)ers have houses near by! thats nothing to do with rising sea levels either, that just every day erosion!


So where has all the sand for building all the buildings and filling all the kids sand pits in the world coming from?

We are talkin a lot of sand not a few builders bags and no need to insult me and then not give your answer :)
Its was really weird how all the asthma suffers used inhalers less in the aeras around Heathrow while the flight ban was on.
flynnyman said:
Global warming is causing sea levels to rise in certain areas and where some houses had massive gardens they now are hanging on a cliff, could this be to do with sand being used in building properties over the years? We are talkin a lot of sand to make concrete, mortar, bricks etc
so your saying the guys garden is gone cause the guys from jewsons are takeing it away on there truck of a morning thats a new take on global warming
steve cov said:
course it does. if you go down the beach early enough in the morning its full of travis perkins and jewsons wagons filling up for the day. i tried putting a dead jellyfish up the wall today. (french word)in nightmare
;D ;D
I have a theory that when I go home at night, the jointing fairies come along and kiss my jointing dry. I've rigged up a camera for tonight and if they don't show up on the video tomorrow, i'll know that they are invisible fairies.
TonyM said:
I also think that if I eat anymore of these mint Matchmakers, i'm going to puke.

what are you doing eating them, its not christmas?! next youll be telling us your mrs puts snacks out when your watching telly. despite the fact that they never do it any other time of the year!
flynnyman said:
Freerider_2009 said:
it dont come from the beach you silly (french word), specially not if the (french word)ers have houses near by! thats nothing to do with rising sea levels either, that just every day erosion!


So where has all the sand for building all the buildings and filling all the kids sand pits in the world coming from?

We are talkin a lot of sand not a few builders bags and no need to insult me and then not give your answer :)

haha f**k*d if I know mate, but I just dont think your theory is correct!

Sand can come from all sorts of places, if it does come from the beach then they wont take it away if its gonna cause houses to land slide, simple as that! so either way your theory dont stack up ;)
Still aint been answered, honestly we use a lot of sand in this country to use in the construction industry for the last hundreds of years, so has the rest of the world, i mean f**k me have you been to new york? what about Abu Dabhi? (yeh ok they have plenty of sand). So lets take all the sand out of the sea and build buildings you would think the sea would get lower but its not its getting wider im sure my theory is correct just need to do more research im looking for a couple of helpers anyone interested?
flynnyman said:
Global warming is causing sea levels to rise in certain areas and where some houses had massive gardens they now are hanging on a cliff, could this be to do with sand being used in building properties over the years? We are talkin a lot of sand to make concrete, mortar, bricks etc

think its called erosion
Sand is a by product in the extraction of China Clay. That's where a lot of it comes from - mining.
so do you reckon theres gonna be a sand shortage flynny? should I invest in sand while its still under 3k a ton?
how long have we got before we start having to build timber houses on stilts man? :o
flynny, we've got 10,000 tons of the stuff...
you can have some for a onner a ton...
get yer order in quick though geezer cos its gonna go quick!
good stuff too, not cut with pebbles like some of this concreting stuff the gangsters are sellin...
Render Systems said:
flynnyman said:
Global warming is causing sea levels to rise in certain areas and where some houses had massive gardens they now are hanging on a cliff, could this be to do with sand being used in building properties over the years? We are talkin a lot of sand to make concrete, mortar, bricks etc

think its called erosion

Or the sea is gettin wider coz of all the sand we are using hhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Chris W said:
so do you reckon theres gonna be a sand shortage flynny? should I invest in sand while its still under 3k a ton?
how long have we got before we start having to build timber houses on stilts man? :o

Na there will never be a shortage the sea will just get wider :)
flynnyman said:
TonyM said:
Sand is a by product in the extraction of China Clay. That's where a lot of it comes from - mining.

cant see them bringin ships of sand from china, tea maybe.
nnoooooo flynny...
we mine white granite and turn it into powder...
then the chinks send a ship for it and take it over there...
they mix it with water and shape it into urns and teapots and stuff and send it back as 'china' clay....
personally I think theyre takin the p'ss...
Cant believe i got two pages out of this but panic over i think ive tracked down part of the answer :)

The Manufacturing

The preparation of sand consists of five basic processes: natural decomposition, extraction, sorting, washing, and in some cases crushing. The first process, natural decomposition, usually takes millions of years. The other processes take considerably less time.

The processing plant is located in the immediate vicinity of the natural deposit of material to minimize the costs of transportation. If the plant is located next to a sand dune or beach, the plant may process only sand. If it is located next to a riverbed, it will usually process both sand and gravel because the two materials are often intermixed. Most plants are stationary and may operate in the same location for decades. Some plants are mobile and can be broken into separate components to be towed to the quarry site. Mobile plants are used for remote construction projects, where there are not any stationary plants nearby.

The capacity of the processing plant is measured in tons per hour output of finished product. Stationary plants can produce several thousand tons per hour. Mobile plants are smaller and their output is usually in the range of 50-500 tons (50.8-508 metric tons) per hour.

In many locations, an asphalt production plant or a ready mixed concrete plant operates on the same site as the sand and gravel plant. In those cases, much of the sand and gravel output is conveyed directly into stockpiles for the asphalt and concrete plants.

The following steps are commonly used to process sand and gravel for construction purposes.

Natural decomposition

* Solid rock is broken down into chunks by natural mechanical forces such as the movement of glaciers, the expansion of water in cracks during freezing, and the impacts of rocks falling on each other.
* The chunks of rock are further broken down into grains by the chemical action of vegetation and rain combined with mechanical impacts as the progressively smaller particles are carried and worn by wind and water.
* As the grains of rock are carried into waterways, some are deposited along the bank, while others eventually reach the sea, where they may join with fragments of coral or shells to form beaches. Wind-borne sand may form dunes.


* Extraction of sand can be as simple as scooping it up from the riverbank with a rubber-tired vehicle called a front loader. Some sand is excavated from under water using floating dredges. These dredges have a long boom with a rotating cutter head to loosen the sand deposits and a suction pipe to suck up the sand.
* If the sand is extracted with a front loader, it is then dumped into a truck or train, or placed onto a conveyor belt for transportation to the nearby processing plant. If the sand is extracted from underwater with a dredge, the slurry of sand and water is pumped through a pipeline to the plant.


* In the processing plant, the incoming material is first mixed with water, if it is not already mixed as part of a slurry, and is discharged through a large perforated screen in the feeder to separate out rocks, lumps of clay, sticks, and other foreign material. If the material is heavily bound together with clay or soil, it may then pass through a blade mill which breaks it up into smaller chunks.
* The material then pass through several / perforated screens or plates with different hole diameters or openings to separate the particles according to size. The screens or plates measure up to 10 ft (3.1 m) wide by up to 28 ft (8.5 m) long and are tilted at an angle of about 20-45 degrees from the horizontal. They are vibrated to allow the trapped material on each level to work its way off the end of the screen and onto separate conveyor belts. The coarsest screen, with the largest holes, is on top, and the screens underneath have progressively smaller holes.


* The material that comes off the coarsest screen is washed in a log washer before it is further screened. The name for this piece of equipment comes from the early practice of putting short lengths of wood logs inside a rotating drum filled with sand and gravel to add to the scrubbing action. A modern log washer consists of a slightly inclined horizontal trough with slowly rotating blades attached to a shaft that runs down the axis of the trough. The blades churn through the material as it passes through the trough to strip away any remaining clay or soft soil. The larger gravel particles are separated out and screened into different sizes, while any smaller sand particles that had been attached to the gravel may be carried back and added to the flow of incoming material.
* The material that comes off the intermediate screen(s) may be stored and blended with either the coarser gravel or the finer sand to make various aggregate mixes.
* The water and material that pass through the finest screen is pumped into a horizontal sand classifying tank. As the mixture flows from one end of the tank to the other, the sand sinks to the bottom where it is trapped in a series of bins. The larger, heavier sand particles drop out first, followed by the progressively smaller sand particles, while the lighter silt particles are carried off in the flow of water. The water and silt are then pumped out of the classifying tank and through a clarifier where the silt settles to the bottom and is removed. The clear water is recirculated to the feeder to be used again.
* The sand is removed from the bins in the bottom of the classifying tank with rotating dewatering screws that slowly move the sand up the inside of an inclined cylinder. The differently sized sands are then washed again to remove any remaining silt and are transported by conveyor belts to stockpiles for storage.


* Some sand is crushed to produce a specific size or shape that is not available naturally. The crusher may be a rotating cone type in which the sand falls between an upper rotating cone and a lower fixed cone that are separated by a very small distance. Any particles larger than this separation distance are crushed between the heavy metal cones, and the resulting particles fall out the bottom.
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