just got myself one of them

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New Member
plastic trowels from barton trowels off the web! am i going to regret it when it lands and i start using it?ok i suppose for 15 nicker...
Once it gets a view nicks and you run out of wet n dry paper you will be back to just the good old trowel. Remember dont go near the corner beads you might scratch it.
its fine with corner beads mate just go into then as opposed to up and down them. i use mine everyday and its a barton one to just keep a little peice of wet and dry in the pocket and once youve finished and before you start with it just give it a little rub down, does a lovley job the handel takes a bit of getting used to and when you get it at first dnt use it straigh away, trowel up as you would do then once the plasters hard bit of wet and dry down the side then give it a cross trowel with the plazzy to take any factory dinks and scrapes out.
if you can make a nice sleeve for it to live in othewise everytime you put it in the van itll get fcuked
you just have to hope thiers not a real fire and the lights go out cos everyone will run straight at ya
I have been using one of the barton trowels as recommended by JR.

I love it and use it all the time. I think it just makes things a bit easier on the wrist. It gives a nice finish too.

Youdo get used to the handle and I quite like it now.

I keep mine in the bubble wrap envelope it came in and if it ever got damaged to the point that it cant be used, I would definately buy another one.

nice one mate told ya they were good, well worth the 15 quid, i think the blades a bit thicker than the refiner ones so thier proberly a bit more durable to knocks, they do leave a lovley finish too
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