K-Rend - Honest opinion

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Hi there, we're looking to get our house re-rendered, including a west facing wall on our end-terrace house in Wales. We have been given a cost for doing K-Rend on the house. The contractor, who seems good, swears by it and says it's a great product that he's used on many properties (we're going to see his work).

However, after doing a bit of on line research there seems to be a mixed opinion. Is it a rubbish product full stop or is it fine if it's put on right?

I am offered a guarantee with the product - what does this protect against?

I could alternatively get a 'standard' concrete render then paint with silicone based paint, would this be better?

Sorry, the guarantee, if done to the correct spec, would be against cracking and failure of the product. You can probably get the spec from the K Rend website.
it looks great if its just been done and care was taken over all the little details. To keep it looking at its best consider applying a clear solvent based sealer supplied by some render manufacturers. It will repel the rain and water which can cause it to stain over time.
Dont pay too much attention to the "gaurantee" Its only mortar with colour in it not a TV. If you obtain a Gaurantee it will be issued on a certificate from the manufacturer not on the word of the guy installing it. its a product warranty only, ie; if it turns pink overnight I think they will stand the cost, otherwise your on your own but the installer should stand by his reputation and word and assure you that they will look after you as a client - Is it a Firm or a fly by night weekender ?

Done right it looks lovely and is an economical way to get your house rendered and coloured at the same time. go for it.
Dont pay too much attention to the "gaurantee" Its only mortar with colour in it not a TV. If you obtain a Gaurantee it will be issued on a certificate from the manufacturer not on the word of the guy installing it. its a product warranty only, ie; if it turns pink overnight I think they will stand the cost, otherwise your on your own but the installer should stand by his reputation and word and assure you that they will look after you as a client - Is it a Firm or a fly by night weekender ?

Done right it looks lovely and is an economical way to get your house rendered and coloured at the same time. go for it.

do u have it on your house
Right - thanks for all your replies but it hasn't gone very far in confirming whether we should go for it or not. I think I might ask the contractor to show me some of his work over 5 years old to see the state of it. By the sounds of it, it sounds like if you put it on right (and perhaps use a coating over the top) it works well...
Excuse my total ignorance - what's Mono?

Mono is short for Monocouche the generic term for a one coat render , usually off a colour through with scraped texture finish and manufactured by may companys such as Weber, K-rend, Parex, SAS Europe, Marmorit etc etc,
There is another option which would be to use either a qaulity base coat and acrylic thin coat texture, or even a 25mm phenolic board, thincoat and acrylic. have a look at the link
Render Systems and Products : Knauf Marmorit UK GmbH
its a good product as long as its applied by someone that knows what they are doing. sand and cement is fine painted but your looking at the maintanence aspect of it.
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