k rend!!

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New Member
allright lads how's it going!! I'm just wondering if anyone could give me any krend tips, i have applied sbr to red brick and plastered the house with hp12 and applied mesh at stress points (lintels & reveals etc.) so the place is ready for the top coat, i bedded the beads into the scratch as i went along and used the k beads 14mm. I will be applying the topcoat FT in 2 passes to get the right thickness, do i dampen the scratch coat to control suction or use diluted sbr?? and if you have any good advice and tips please feel free to comment!! cheers :)
Your prep sounds good, If its a sizeable area get some help spreading and someone knocking up the gear as you go. Apply in 2 passes and make sure your first coat is ruled off . You shouldnt need to dampen the base unless its been on ages.
cheers mate, this is my first house to with the stuff, i have someone knocking up the stuff for me, but i'll be spreading on my own. but the house is in medium sized sections except for the rear which is 50m2 but i have put a bellcast bead in the middle of the wall to divide it in half, do i need to dubout a little on the bellbead(19mm) with hp12 or just do it with the topcoat??
No worries, Is there no one could help you for a day on the back wall ?. Perhaps an expansion joint set vertically would look better than a horizontal bell,but if you decide on the bell bead then dub out with hp 12 or top ensuring you leave enough depth for the scrapeback.
I dont bother with bellcast beads on mono jobs as stops look better imo.
ye but if i would of used a stop bead then all you'd see is a plastic strip as both areas will be flush with the stop bead, the house is a semi detached and there is a bell in the middle of next doors so i decided to keep the bell running if you get me, do you mix FT leave it for 5mins then remix?? I have a bath to mix it and a belle whisk mixer.:rolleyes)
no mate, I meant stop beads at the bottom in stead of bells. Yeh mix rest for 5 and remix. The expansion joint would look better as a break point to me buddy but as always its down to the client.
well the client said a bell will be fine so that's what she's getting lol, ye i agree stops look nice at dpc, cheers for the advice mate :RpS_biggrin:
might do the top part of the house with the drill coz he can mix on the scaffold and i'll try the bottom part with the cement mixer :RpS_biggrin:
ye i'll give him a hand with that before he starts so hopefully he will have enough bags for the day, but water he can get himself! lol , can you knock up the topcoat if it forms a skin on the board or if you have some left over throw it into a fresh mix etc??
oi grandad. all i said is id knock it up in a mixer and carry buckets up from the bottom. carrying water up in buckets is a bit silly. mixer mixes it for you. or better still get a hod.

im not used to all this manual labour malarkey any more. im retiring soon remember :-)
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