keeping oppositr internal angles clean

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internals and pva
Any tips lads

I always work to hard angles when skimming. So when doing the other wall i pva the hard wall. Also when working into the hard angle i use a brush to clean up the angle in the final trowel up stage.

What its doing is causing the nice clean and smooth wall to go all grainy when i do the opposite wall.

Any ideas on how to keep an angle clean and smooth as you work into it???​
use a good CLEAN brush (changed frequently ) not one thats batterd and change your water you dirty b*****d !! So your not picking up bits. Problem solved
Must admit the brush i use looks like a mop sometimes.

Mate of mine been at it yrs uses a damp sponge.
ok thanks so far

Apart from the clean brush do you pva the opposite hard wall?
i dont pva the angle, ill pva the whole room first then put the roller away... bollox to tacky..
youll find the excess comes off the new wall easier than if its got pva on it... it'll suck the life out of it and it'll fall off when you run your trowel down it edge on....

i use a 4" brush, like a soft masonary brush if you like, dont really get any problems, but i do bin em if they get full of crap like rock says, itll just score the wall up...

it were mentioned before about leaving your brush in the water...

i balance my trowel on the edge of the bucket, not hook it over with the handle, and sit me brush on top...
No need to PVA your hard angle mate, for example if you have put two opposites on in the morning and putting the other two on in the afternoon there will still be enough moisture in the hard angle to stop any snots drying out on the mornings corner, slice the corner then run a clean wet brush down your angle and trowel up. If the hard angle is bone dry run your wet brush down the corner prior to spreading will stop you dragging dry snots into your fresh wall.

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