Knauf delaminating

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New Member
Has anybody had a problem with UBf coming off fire line boards cus I'm having mega problems on some of mine ?
Not sure mate only ever skimmed it a few times on garage ceilings with multi with no probs on the bigger jobs ive been on its always been taped and joint check the white book maybe it needs gypbonding though i never have.
Used before, ok on norm plasterboard but on mr boards, had to prime with betokontakt first.don't know if fireline board needs pre treatment, is it coming off all over? Oh and welcome to the asylum
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How long since the boards were put in place? How old's the finish you're using?....................

and welcome along, who are ya and where ya fray marra?
Not really just used board finish cus we were skimming boards it shouldn't make any difference should it . ?
Yes they skimmed up nice just coming off ,I've been over boarding and skimming with bg seems fine now just a pain in the arse.
cant say about Fireline boards but have noticed if boards need cutting after there skimmed if a doorway is in wrong places for example have had some sheeting off, Never had this happen with BG Plasters, Mentioned it to Knauf rep and he said its got something to do with BG plasters contain Clay and Knauf plasters do not so finishe is more brittle when disturbed??
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