Knauf Gold s pack ??????????????

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Private Member
I have been given drawings for a job and the spec is Knauf gold s pack deco plus

I have never heard of it and cant find any information on it.

Can you guys help ???


deco is a thin coat applied by rotary screw worm pump. can go over pretty much anything as long as its flat.
iv got a booklet on it.

says use as 1-2mm top coat over knauf plano or as 2 coat finish direct on to smooth backgrounds ie boards, concrete and previously painted surfaces.

it comes in plastic bags ready mixed. pretty sure its too runny to put on by hand. its similar to alltek. almost like a paint. tape and joint boards. sand. spray a coat, flatten with spat. let it dry, top coat. flatten with spat again i think. sand if nessesary.

my ritmo sprays it ::)
nick can i have youre ritmo :) can have the kids too :).......theres 2 of them both girls ;)
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