LIDL Trolley


Well-Known Member
Just picked one of these up. Not bad for £17.99.

LIDL Trolley
LIDL Trolley
That trolly is perfect for tote boxes like these that are cheap second hand. Stack and roll kit in job.. 40lt is about right I find at under £10Link Removed
That trolly is perfect for tote boxes like these that are cheap second hand. Stack and roll kit in job.. 40lt is about right I find at under £10Link Removed

Just got a load of them. Will get around to putting something in them at some point. :D
Y don't you do like Wales plastrers do put tools in buckets

I do mate. Have a ‘bricky’ bucket, ‘tiling’ bucket,’plastering’ bucket etc.
They’re mainly to keep materials organised...just gotta refine the system :D