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New Member
when im skimming a room i usually have a couple of 500w halogen lamps in there ..obviously to cast more light on the job .. the instructor on my course said thats wot he usually does ..... just wanted to know is this common practice :-/
ive never used lights before, would of thought those halogen bad boys would make the plaster go off quick?
yeh they do to a degree .. dont stand them to close to the walls im skimming ... good in winter though the extra heat is useful to dry the skim quicker and keep me warmer :D
is this err during the day mate or when it's a bit dark?
i use them but they give off horrible light and if there on angle to the wall will show up everything!.............try turning them off and see how much faster you are ;).....................use the force young timmo
ive just grabbed a new one..
last couple i done there just aint enough light at around 3 oclock this time of year, specially since the clock went back, and thats even with the centre room light...
at night theyre essential...
i went back to finish a job i did with just the ceiling light at night and there were a few good misses i aint spotted... nothng serious, just missed em with the final trowel, awkward room, not much in the way of 'robotic method' if you know what i mean.. :-[
you can buy those faithfull 38 watt touch cool lights of ebay for £12.95 bargin

when they've warmed up i think its the equivelnt to 150 watt
I didn't use a light until I noticed a few misses on one wall, it was because it was the window wall and the light was in my eyes and not on the wall, it looked fine until the next day when more light was on the wall. So the next time (and every time since) I use a lamp and personally I recommend them, they do get hot but keep them far enough away from the wall and they dont effect it noticably, if your wall looks smooth with the halogen lamps on them then your pretty safe in my opinion.
i prefer to use a side light mainly because you can see exactly what your doing. also people always have lamps on in there house's at night time and then they can see what sort of job you've really done ;D
I've got one of these on offer at screwfix at the moment...

bit bulky, and i find the light they give off hard to work with but maybe need to get more used to them...

but the extension i'm working on at the moment is open to the elements and whacking these on first thing in the morning is ideal...they give off loads of heat. Also today i stuck them in front of my float coat to speed ap the drying ;)
any1 seen the lasters light in screwfix for bout £45..? was gann abuy it the other day..but went for the £14.99 one with i think is r.good and warms the room up..
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