living wage

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There are Albanians who work for a merchant near me. They are grafters, certainly not lazy and work for the same rate as their british workmates along side them.

One when he came over here got trained up in landscaping and did my drive 2 years ago. I didn't ask him for a price he heard I was obtaining prices and came round. I would not have thought of asking him because he was Albanian and I keep work for the British.

But I also knew he was good at his job. For the last 15 years I have seen him do some pretty good expensive landscaping jobs for a local landscaper. Anyway, he priced for the job as was the most expensive but only by a bit.

The reason I employed him was because of professionalism and availability. The local block pavers didn't seem to bothered and it was a 3-4 month wait but he could start in 2 weeks and worked over Easter. Did a fantastic job in 4 days. He is still landscaping and also runs a hand car wash. Investing in property and making a mint. Married a local white girl a few years ago and doing well.

So although if i can I do not encourage employing foreigners lets see it from another angle. They are usually available! Work when you want want them and in my experience not cheaper than a local Brit. I can get dole dodgers for £40 a day easily and they are grateful. I do not think I could get an East European for any less. Lets look at the hand car wash. All East Europeans. Paid by the car and work dawn till dusk. Yes cash in hand and probably no tax being paid. But I know of only 1 white car wash that is still going but they work to strict hours and some work some days and others take their place on their days off (understandably) but can you imagine any Brit doing hand car washing on a paid by the car basis and working all hours?

Some of these foreigners know how to make money. I see them at property auctions and believe me they are going to be tomorrows millionaires. A man I know from Pakistan who came here in the 70's and worked on the taxi's is now buying pubs and converting them into flats. All his workers are brits although he pays them £80 a day cash they only do 6 1/2 hrs and take their time so not bad. He doesn't know he's getting fleeced but thinks he has a bargain at £80 a day lol.

This Asian has lots of properties and all in good order. He is making a mint! All from not knowing how to speak English in 1977 and doing 70 hrs a week on the taxi's. So if we study these foreigners a bit we could maybe prosper just a bit.

I think with a lot of them they really know what it is to have a hard life and want better when we are all very comfortable with our benefits and NHS etc. There's a lot of arguments against, which I understand, but within this trade, so long as they're not undercutting everyone else I say the world is what you make of it no matter where you come from
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