Looking after steel towel

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New Member
I'm quite new to steel trowls. Mine seems to get in a right old state. I rub it with a wd40 rag at end of day which seems to minimise rust but doesn't stop the build up of plaster over days. If I was to leave it in a bucket of water like I used to with stainless I'm guessing it would rust. Also if I give it a rub with sand paper am I ok to rub back to shiny metal? Thankyou in advance for any help
If you leave it in water it should not rust as it will need oxygen to oxidize (i think) other than that when it is clean just keep on top of it and at the end of the day give it a wipe with a dry rag then a squirt with some water displacement 40 .
Beader there is oxygen in water mate.. Think about a ship wreck at the bottom of the ocean. Best way to clean a steel trowel is just wipe it with clean water when your using it then an oily rag when you're done.
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Yes i know that there is oxygen in water how else do fish breath and yes i also know that ships that have sunk will in time rust away . what i was saying is that if you left a steel trowel in water over night that it will not rust but the metal will go black but if you dipped it in water then removed it into the air it would rust very quickly if that all makes sense :-)
beader is spot on once gone black it wont rust then everyday just scrape with your gauger and a bit of wd
gibbos very protective of his shiny tools. dont get all this wd40 crap tho. they only rust or get covered in crap if you dont clean them properly or use them for bonding

on that point, why does bonding rust ur trowels so much??
I'm not saying nicks tools are dirty but the plaster is moulded to the shape of his hand on the handle...And before you get any ideas nick. If I find ANY fat wiped on the edge of my buckets on monday. I'll F*****g kill you.
excuse me gentlemen. i got told my skimming trowel looked very nice today by a fellow plasterer. you 2 must have just caught me on an off day :-)

and steven, i will admit my tools arnt always the cleanest, but s**t on the handle is a no no

and i promise i wont put fat on ur buckets, just on the underside of your handle :rolleyes)
steve just cnt afford to take on any more fat hes got to fit in those summer hotpants for wen he goes away with nick
If you need to clean off the build up that happens over time try rubbing the face of 1 trowel over the back of the other with wet sand. Cleans 2 trowels in one, as for the carbon blade, when I was plastering full time I would never use anything else, just used to give it a wipe off on me jumper and never a problem the next day. Only time I used to use oil was if the trowel wasn't getting used for a few days which wasn't very often.
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