Looking for a labourer/apprenticeship role , SW London


New Member
Hi All,

I am keen to become a plasterer and am keen to find out if anyone is keen to take me on as a labourer/apprentice.

I was a scaffolder for 8 years and gave that up to travel/live abroad, i came back home and decided to take a different career path by becoming an estate agent which i have been doing for over two years now. I do enjoy estate agency and i have been very successful however i do miss working on site and the atmosphere in construction

I understand that there are not many firms out there who will not want to take on a 27 yo novice, however i am grafter and a fast learner.

I would be gratefull if anyone could help point me in the right direction with work or advice on wether i should go to weekend courses etc.

Many thanks,
Welcome to the forum buddy :-) you will take a huge pay cut compare to what you are likely to be on now...

If you can live in £40 a day then fair enough...

Stick around on here and you never know what might turn up :-)

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£40 a day for at least a year..5 years b4 ur earning decent dosh cnt get my head around you wanting to become a spread at 27 wen uve got a gud Job in being a estate agent
Than you for your feedback.

I'm shocked that labourers and apprentices are only getting £40, I remember when I left school that's what the rates were and that was I've 10 year ago.

Estate agency it's a good job on the the good days however, there loads of stress with the job you work 24/7 everyone thinks your a liar and you have Landlords buyers vendors and tenants all want blood from you, it really is an uphill fight everyday plus the money isn't as great as what you would think
Than you for your feedback.

I'm shocked that labourers and apprentices are only getting £40, I remember when I left school that's what the rates were and that was I've 10 year ago.

Estate agency it's a good job on the the good days however, there loads of stress with the job you work 24/7 everyone thinks your a liar and you have Landlords buyers vendors and tenants all want blood from you, it really is an uphill fight everyday plus the money isn't as great as what you would think
I used to get £15 a day so count ursen lucky its £40..took me 3 years in game to earn £40 a day in only 32..wat was u expecting to start on? U cud get a 17 year old labourer for £30 a day..
Than you for your feedback.

I'm shocked that labourers and apprentices are only getting £40, I remember when I left school that's what the rates were and that was I've 10 year ago.

Estate agency it's a good job on the the good days however, there loads of stress with the job you work 24/7 everyone thinks your a liar and you have Landlords buyers vendors and tenants all want blood from you, it really is an uphill fight everyday plus the money isn't as great as what you would think
Yup and if you are on site you get all the retention shite as well...

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i certainly aint earning £40 per day and I retrained in january
Yup and if you are on site you get all the retention shite as well...

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Retention,piss taking,getting shouted at..people just assume there can justify getting paid gud money straight away..got to earn the spread money on top of the wage he's paying out or wats the point..
i certainly aint earning £40 per day and I retrained in january
Lodan I wudnt call you a professional plasterer with the looks of things u can plaster and do other things like put kitchens in etc which I wudnt have a clue at doing..if the guy wants to work with a full time spread and he's a novice he ain't getting more than £40 a day
Lodan I wudnt call you a professional plasterer with the looks of things u can plaster and do other things like put kitchens in etc which I wudnt have a clue at doing..if the guy wants to work with a full time spread and he's a novice he ain't getting more than £40 a day
in all honesty its about 75% plastering and 25% the other stuff...getting enough skimming that im going to start dropping the other stuff off a bit....just really high quotes to try and avoid it.....other than laying wood flooring....something about it, I adore laying laminate and wood floors
in all honesty its about 75% plastering and 25% the other stuff...getting enough skimming that im going to start dropping the other stuff off a bit....just really high quotes to try and avoid it.....other than laying wood flooring....something about it, I adore laying laminate and wood floors
I havnt got a clue on owt apart from plastering and I can tile to a amateur degree..wasnt a dig pal just don't think this guy shud jack his estate agency Job in b4 he knows the facts which is if hes teaming up with a spread he's not getting more Tha £200 a week and that's at a push its hard graft out there
No wonder there's very little amount of people make it as a plasterer after collage, they obviously get pissed off getting paid silly money like 40 quid a day.

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I havnt got a clue on owt apart from plastering and I can tile to a amateur degree..wasnt a dig pal just don't think this guy shud jack his estate agency Job in b4 he knows the facts which is if hes teaming up with a spread he's not getting more Tha £200 a week and that's at a push its hard graft out there
Dont worry mate know it wasnt a dig, I did have some skills (not including those in the bedroom) before i started plastering, so maybe was a bit easier for me.
No wonder there's very little amount of people make it as a plasterer after collage, they obviously get pissed off getting paid silly money like 40 quid a day.

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Its how it is zolco I'm afraid..its those who stick it out who reap the rewards later
Than you for your feedback.

I'm shocked that labourers and apprentices are only getting £40, I remember when I left school that's what the rates were and that was I've 10 year ago.

Estate agency it's a good job on the the good days however, there loads of stress with the job you work 24/7 everyone thinks your a liar and you have Landlords buyers vendors and tenants all want blood from you, it really is an uphill fight everyday plus the money isn't as great as what you would think
To be fair labourers don't get £40 a day
Youngsters maybe
A decent lab might get 65-100 a day especially In the big smoke
A apprentice going through the system would get 50 odd bucks a day at your age
I would take another career path at your age!!'
Lodan I wudnt call you a professional plasterer with the looks of things u can plaster and do other things like put kitchens in etc which I wudnt have a clue at doing..if the guy wants to work with a full time spread and he's a novice he ain't getting more than £40 a day
Minimum wage is around 60 though!!!
To be fair labourers don't get £40 a day
Youngsters maybe
A decent lab might get 65-100 a day especially In the big smoke
A apprentice going through the system would get 50 odd bucks a day at your age
I would take another career path at your age!!'
Forgot where the guy is from..£40 round our way for a labourer and no more unless he was s**t off a stick
What you pay a labourer 40 a day self employed?
Ant got 1 now fed up of them..had labourers/apprentices in past and paid them £40 cash..just stating u can pay self employed labourers any wage..the lads we had weren't self employed we put them thru college etc..theres a load of self employed people on those wages under the minimum wage was a thing on news about it wen national living wage came in force so it does happen bobby
Think you were getting mugged off
The main plastering contractor pays retention only
The main contractor gets charged 5% and subbies for the main contractor pay 2%..always had that happen to us and we do the same.thought that was standard
I was always charged 5% when I was a bucket bitch

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Defo had ur pants pulled down there dan lol..i recently chased a load of retention I did some work for he took 2% off our invoices because he got charged 5%..nitemare getting back but did in the end
Think you were getting mugged off
The main plastering contractor pays retention only
Yup... I was mugged off a lot in the early days...

They use to book in meters before Christmas that they had not done yet and then when we came back after Christmas they would say we had the money before Xmas. .. although I was on day work... I would then just not show up on those days they expected me to work for free

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Being a bucket bitch I should have not paid it either but whatever... the irony is the company is now bust and the two spreads are now on poverty line... what goes around comes around

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Being a bucket bitch I should have not paid it either but whatever... the irony is the company is now bust and the two spreads are now on poverty line... what goes around comes around

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Ive never heard of apprentice/labourer contribute to retention like lol...
Ive never heard of apprentice/labourer contribute to retention like lol...

yup... use to piss me off something rotten... after the tax man took his bit and what not I was on less than £30 a day and by the time I had driven to the job sometimes hours away I was left with almost feck all
When I started (for my dad) I was only 14/15 I would ask him for my wages on a Friday and be shiting it He was a old school man's man, he would tut get out his chair walk into the kitchen look at his change and give me about £6 for a week's work. To be fair I spent the first year shooting 22 pellets at people I had draw on plaster board and sitting in the pub for 2 hours at dinner time. Boy did s**t change when I officially lo left school
Hi All,

I am keen to become a plasterer and am keen to find out if anyone is keen to take me on as a labourer/apprentice.

I was a scaffolder for 8 years and gave that up to travel/live abroad, i came back home and decided to take a different career path by becoming an estate agent which i have been doing for over two years now. I do enjoy estate agency and i have been very successful however i do miss working on site and the atmosphere in construction

I understand that there are not many firms out there who will not want to take on a 27 yo novice, however i am grafter and a fast learner.

I would be gratefull if anyone could help point me in the right direction with work or advice on wether i should go to weekend courses etc.

Many thanks,

Are you looking to be a real plasterer or a skimmer that can use pva.