Looking for some advice (from Hertfordshire)

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New Member
Hi guys! I'm stuart and I live in welwyn garden city Hertfordshire. I would like to get into plastering but don't know the best route. I have a full time job but am available most weekdays. I am prepared to labour for a small wage or maybe for free. Would doing an intensive course help someone take me on to train me up properly? or would people be prepared to take on someone who has never touched a bag of plaster? I've looked at the intensive courses but I'm not sure i would feel comfortable after such a short time. I would rather do it the old fashioned way.
Kind regards,
Hello mate, is there any particular reason why you've set your sights on plastering as a career change, there are other trades which you could train for, which are equally well paid if not better paid, and which take a lot less out on the body. Heating engineer or similar maybe a better choice.
I love the job personally but there are plenty of lads on here who hate it with a passion,
Welcome to the forum by the way and good luck.
lol :-)

If you can find a plasterer to work for that that is the best route.... you may have to work for free and spend a lot of time pestering people but it is a good way :-)

Its a long slog of a trade and very competitive :-) But it is a very satisfying trade...
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