Matching existing pebble dash


New Member

A bit of pebble dash blew off my garage last year - I did this rubbish repair on it with a pot of ready mix render and some gravel I had kicking about...I’d like to redo it so it matches in better but I don’t know how to make the render the same browny-red colour — any help on how I would go about matching this would be great, I appreciate it’s probably hard from a photo though but worth a shot :)


Matching existing pebble dash
If it's dashed all way around get a dust pan n brush enough off randomly not to leave bald patches. Enough to get a dasher full to throw on.
Is your receiver coat sand and cement , looks a bit strong , perhaps some coloured dyes to disguise the join or nice pot plant in front
get down yo your local aquarium and get various coloured grit, mix till decent match.

A bit of pebble dash blew off my garage last year - I did this rubbish repair on it with a pot of ready mix render and some gravel I had kicking about...I’d like to redo it so it matches in better but I don’t know how to make the render the same browny-red colour — any help on how I would go about matching this would be great, I appreciate it’s probably hard from a photo though but worth a shot :)


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It’s your ready mixed render that’s the problem, it’s most probably three and one, get your self some soft sand and cement and try a little bit at four and one.
Wickes used to sell bags of mortar which was a bag of soft sand with a small bag of cement inside but I don’t know if they still do, if they do it’s better than buying a bag of dust and letting it go off
You need the original pebbles and the same batch of sand cement. Even then ot will be new against weathered. If it is a small panel then re do it all but if you do patch it again then you need advice on how to make a better joint.

if you can send some sample of the original pebble to Derbyshire Aggregates Ltd they will sell you the closest match and can deliver just 1 bag. Try finding a dark sand even mixing a bit of plastering and soft red.