moisture boards to skim or not to skim

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New Member
ok then can somebody clear this up. can you or cant skim moisture boards sick of people telling me yes you can no you cant yes u can i f you pva them .
You can skim them mate apparently you're supposed to pva them but ive never bothered you could tile straight over them if you like again you have to pva them you can also do exactly the same with standard board fire check sound check etc if you really wanted too it's a load of confusing expensive b*ll***s
Yer but gear just sits on that moisture board spunk I would used wicks bond it or plasprime over it first and sucks like **** on the fire board.
I've always thought that thistle bond it was used prior to agents in the past have pulled me on this .pva is a no go as the skim is only adhered to the pva hence the thistle bond it.but then again it's the real world it all paints up the same and tilesthe same regardless.but I could stand to be corrected my fellow spreads!!
Its all contradictory b*ll***s just to get you to spend more money, everything in the building game is! no one really has a ******* clue and everyone thinks their opinion is right. Personally Id wba just to be safe but could bet ya life its a waste of time!
spunk I did a wet room last year in moisture board the skim just hung on it then skimmed fire board it grabbed quicker then normal board would have done.At the end of the day who gives a fu@k .
Never noticed it sorry mate skimmed shiploads of each, the only board I've had pull in quicker was soundcheck and it's not all the time just batches weird
ur supposed to bond it moisture boards but i never have and its been ok as far as i no. but i dont get why people use a moisture resisitant boardboard in a place that may get damp, then want you to skim it, when skim isnt moisture resisitant
Why is it people pick and choose when to follow manfucaturers guidelines?

"you cant tile on backing plasters" .. "why not?" "cos its not in the spec and BG say you cant"..

"BG say you cant plaster on MR board without a bonding agent though" ... "no thats fine, their talking b*ll***s"..

Drakie - its not a matter of BG making a board you cant plaster, its more of a case of making something that you have to fork out an extra £40 on bond-it to plaster ;) manufacters will always say things just to make you spend more money, they are business, they dont give a **** about whats right or wrong ;)
Right the reason BG tell you to use bond-it on mr board is because it blows off and i have seen it first hand it might not happen with in the first 6 months but it will eventually come off in sheets pva is not recommended by BG because they dont make it but they also dont recommend you use pva on a over skim so you do the maths.
M/R boards are all tapered edge so i would say jointing is your best bet. But just to throw a spanner in the works if you skim M/R with durafinish you dont have to treat them ???? You can reskim existing plaster with durafinish without having to pva it so my post has shed no light on the topic at all
Off the BG literature:

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Skim plastering should not normally be specified to Gyproc
Moisture Resistant and MR grade boards. These types of board
are intended for use in environments of higher than normal
humidity for which no gypsum plaster is designed to be suitable.
Where moisture resistant board options are used in shell and
core construction to provide temporary resistance to high
moisture conditions, they can be skimmed at a later date after
the building envelope has been made weather-tight. Plaster
should be applied only to the face of moisture resistant boards
and pre-treatment with Thistle Bond-it is required.
after reading B G literature and all your comments i have come to the conclusion its all bo#####ks just skim it....
Right the reason BG tell you to use bond-it on mr board is because it blows off and i have seen it first hand it might not happen with in the first 6 months but it will eventually come off in sheets pva is not recommended by BG because they dont make it but they also dont recommend you use pva on a over skim so you do the maths.
Nothing to do with getting 50m out of a bag bod lol
Well done Bubbles i was getting right wound up for a minute, this subject has been discussed so many times its a joke, thats how you deal with MR board its the manufactureres spec and nothing particular hard about it, all you chancers who make your own rules up as you go good luck to you.
Skim moisture boards all the time.Some rooms on site have all the colours of the rainbow! blue,grey green and pink all in one set. At the m2 prices thesedays I dont care,just slap it on! Save the blue board til last set for a quick getaway.
yeah but why do people want you to skim mr boards when skim isnt damp resisitant. surely it defies the point?? unless theyve put them in a random place to use some up
They've got a waxy coating which repels moisture so I couldn't think of anything worse than moisture sitting on multi finish you'd want at least the most porous board you could get but after the Walls are tiled and the ceilings painted in bathroom paint doubt it matters
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