evening lady's I've only been plastering a few years I got my 13" mt ss nicked the other day, so I looked around and got one of them permashape trowels, I never thought it would be so fkin bent down the length, when I read the reviews I thought it was just slightly curled up at the toe and heel and flat along the length, not a continuous bend along the length! Down the width yea I expected it to be a bit as that's alright but not so bent down the length, I got mine of amazon, did I just get a bloody dud or are all the permashapes like that? If it's a dud i will send back don't see how you can put muck on flat with this...
Here's a pic you can just about see..
On a side note has anyone tried the "flat" permashape, is it nice and worn in like the normal permashape but flat instead of like a fkin boat? If so this banana I've got here needs sending back for one of them!