multi finish

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New Member
is it me or as multi gone funny cant seem to fill with it or even get it to come off mi trowel any one else having props with it :RpS_cursing:
It is that time of year when they start changing the mixes for the winter season, we had some dry wall adhesive that went off in 10 mins the other day and it was in date just put it down to a bad batch.
hope my dry wall adhesive doesnt do that tomorrow ive got 3 walls to dot and dab, wasnt aware of this bod, so do bg do that, we mabey just get the winter gear all the time is that s**t weather
Bod we were using dab adhesive to bead in the summer and it was lasting half hour doing my sweade in we were washing the drill and bucket off every mix too
Yeah we was getting it the other end or the scale where it wouldn't go off but this last lot went off in about 10 mins.
mixing it wi clean water clean mixer the lot its hanging for ages just cant get mi head around it like you say could be a bad batch only 30 more bags to go lol
You'll be allright just get your head down and use it up......It used to make me laugh my old boss used to say when we had lumpy bags to just crush the lumps into the wall and not waste it lol.
its taking full morning today about 28 meter henry just cant way it up are you finding it ok to trowel up
I was on multi last week and it just sat there well over 2 hours to set.

When I was down at BG the other week one of their big knobs started asking me what I thought of their different products, I told him that if there was one thing I'd like them to do it would be to produce two additives for their plasters one to speed them up and one to re***d them. I suggested that if they gave a maximum dose for each and left it to us to be responsible enough to stick to the guide lines it would be little different to all the other additives we use but could make our lives a whole lot easier. To be honest he really did seem to listen and agreed it could work, especially when I mentioned how much more money they could probably make.
When I was down at BG the other week one of their big knobs started asking me what I thought of their different products, I told him that if there was one thing I'd like them to do it would be to produce two additives for their plasters one to speed them up and one to re***d them. I suggested that if they gave a maximum dose for each and left it to us to be responsible enough to stick to the guide lines it would be little different to all the other additives we use but could make our lives a whole lot easier. To be honest he really did seem to listen and agreed it could work, especially when I mentioned how much more money they could probably make.

This is an awesome idea why havent they come out with this along time ago instead of us trying to do it ourselves.
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