Done my first machine job yesterday got there set The machine up fu** that up so had to take hose off unblock clean out the hopper and just start again as well as panicking as it is now 9.anyway started the hole process again and got it right this time so started spraying at 9.30-9.45 finished at 1.30 all 70 bags on.Anyway needless to say it was a late night all scraped and finished by 8pm then just enough light to clean the site went back down this morning to Finnish any sweeping up etc and the job looks great.Only thing I noticed was we started spraying and our water was set at 210 but as we went through the day it started to get a little bit wet so we found we turned the setting down to 205 is this a normal thing to happen?small adjustments through out the day anyhow really happy with my ritmo thanks Blones .Going to try and put some hardwall through it next any advice on that or the does and donts with spraying hardwall