need some krend

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Private Member
has anyone here got 10 bags of oatmeal krend spare, I need them for a small panel and dont want to order a pallet which i will have to if the merchants supply it.
Has it got to be k rend ? Cause keyline builders merchants sell a mono by the bag , not sure on colours and price though and what it is like .
yes mate or i could get it from les or ccf. its a panel on the front of a village hall and the old T***s decided on oatmeal.
Got a small dashin job to do and the receiver is orange/yellow from parex topped in derbyshire spa ???
les just happens to have a similar colour in stock , Happy day's ;)
im sure we did a job saturday with oatmeal ft ......if thats what you need mate i can ring tomorrow and find out if anys spare
ok mate will do if hes got it itll be winterbourne bristol .............i was giving a lad a hand so its his customer if he doesnt want to give it away do you want it half price ?
supplier up our way allows purchase by the bag if your not sorted give me a ring or pm me think transport costs might be steep though ?
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